12th FOKUS
Media Web Symposium

June 24–25, 2025 – Berlin

Naomi Schoppa

Research Associate

Fraunhofer FOKUS

M.Sc. Naomi Schoppa is a Research Associate at the business unit Future Applications and Media of the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS). She specializes in the research and development of Technology Enhanced Learning, including interoperable infrastructures and authorization concepts.

Furthermore, her research focuses on Provenance and Authenticity, addressing the origins and reliability of information in digital content.

  • This tutorial offers an insight into the world of digital authenticity and provenance mechanisms. While we have gained experience with analog solutions in the past, our current focus is on the digital level. With the proliferation of social media, deep fakes and disinformation, this topic is becoming increasingly relevant. In this tutorial, we shed light on the role of technologists, the importance of provenance and authenticity in digital media, and discuss technical approaches. Our main focus is on the use of C2PA, not only in the field of images and moving images, but also in other possible applications.

    The tutorial is structured as follows:

    • Provenance & authenticity: Importance in the context of digital media
    • The role of technologists and research in the fight against counterfeiting
    • Open standards: Introduction to the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA)
    • C2PA in video sections: Our experiences with VoD, Dash and Live
    • Multilayered areas of application: Where C2PA could play a role alongside image & video media
    • Development status and challenges for the application areas of C2PA
    • Practical examples of application and case studies on C2PA
    • Future developments and trends in digital authenticity


    André Paul

    Senior Project Manager

    Fraunhofer FOKUS

    Naomi Schoppa

    Research Associate

    Fraunhofer FOKUS

  • Look forward to exciting overviews of the latest technologies, insights into innovative use cases, challenges and solutions from players in the technology and education space. The invited talks will be announced in the weeks before the event and are expected to be grouped into the following sessions:

    13:30 – 14:30 Session 1: AI-based Use Cases in Education

    15:00 – 16:00 Session 2: Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Learning

    16:30 – 18:00 Session 3: Innovations in the field of Learning Lechnologies

  • In education, artificial intelligence is enabling a profound transformation. This tutorial offers you a comprehensive insight into the world of AI-powered education and shows how these technologies can be used to create personalized learning experiences. AI’s ability to analyze and adapt learning processes offers new ways to meet individual educational needs. Find out how you can use AI to make education more efficient and accessible. Immerse yourself in the future of educational technology and discover how AI is fundamentally changing the way we learn.

    Our tutorial is structured as follows:

      • AI in education: Discover how AI is redefining learning methods and enabling innovative educational solutions.
      • Personalized Recommendations: Learn how AI-based systems provide tailored course recommendations.
      • Learning Analytics: Incease learning success and optimize education through data-driven insights.
      • LLMs: Use large language models to make learning more efficient and effective.
      • Integration in LMS: Find out how AI can be effectively integrated into learning management systems.

    We look forward to discussing and exploring the possibilities of AI in education with you.

    Naomi Schoppa

    Research Associate

    Fraunhofer FOKUS

    Bach Do

    Research Associate

    Fraunhofer FOKUS