11th FOKUS Media Web

June 11–12, 2024 – Fraunhofer FOKUS

Sebastian Schwarz

Head of Video Coding Systems


Sebastian Schwarz is the Head of the Video Coding Systems at Nokia Technologies, and was recently recognized as Bell Labs Distinguished Member of Technical Staff for his impact on immersive media technologies. He and his team research a wide range of video coding and transmission technologies and play an active role in international media standardization. Sebastian has authored over 50+ conference and journal papers on immersive media and video coding topics, submitted 100+ contributions to various standardization bodies, and holds over 30 granted patents. He served as editor of the ISO/IEC International Standard for video-based point cloud compression (ISO/IEC 23090-5) and as Co-Chair of the MPEG Ad Hoc Groups on Future Video Coding and on System Technologies for V-PCC.

Sebastian received a Dipl.Ing. degree from the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany, in 2009, his Ph.D. from Mid Sweden University, Sweden, in 2014, and an MBA degree from Tampere University in 2018.

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