11th FOKUS Media Web

June 11–12, 2024 – Fraunhofer FOKUS

Lukasz Litwic

Research Leader


Dr. Lukasz Litwic joined Ericsson in 2007, where he worked on various aspects of image processing and video compression research, which formed the foundation of Ericsson’s real-time encoding products. Since 2017, Lukasz is a Research Leader of Visual Technology team responsible for standardization activities in visual media coding. Lukasz represents Ericsson at several standardisation bodies including 3GPP SA4, DVB, JVET and MPEG. He serves as a Chair of Interoperability WG at Media Coding Industry Forum. He holds an M.Sc. from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, and a Ph.D. from the University of Surrey, in Guildford in the UK.

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