11th FOKUS Media Web

June 11–12, 2024 – Fraunhofer FOKUS

The 11th FOKUS Media Web Symposium (MWS) took place in Berlin, Germany, in June 2024. This yearly international conference, hosted by Fraunhofer FOKUS, gathered more than 230 participants from 19 countries to explore the domain of Internet-based media delivery.

The MWS covers both technical and business aspects of web and media technologies in two days. The first day features workshops, tutorials, and exhibitions, while the second day focuses on trends and business issues during the conference. As usual, we had international technology experts share their insights and experiences on the latest innovations and best practices in web and media technologies, as well as emerging trends in the creative industry. The sessions sparked lively debates about the future of media delivery, as well as the most viable technologies and business models. The conversations continued during coffee breaks in the exhibition area and at the Media Web Night.

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The 11th MWS was a resounding success, reinforcing its position as a premier platform for international technology experts. Attendees departed with fresh perspectives on the future of media delivery and sustainable practices.  For details, please see the agenda of the event as well our picture gallery. 


We enjoyed talking about interesting topics with people from different countries. This year, we concentrated on these subjects

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  • Advanced Streaming Technologies

    DASH, HLS, SAND, Low Latency Streaming, Content Steering, Media Delivery in 5G/6G, HbbTV, Video Player Tech, DRM, Quality of Experience, Edge and Cloud processing, Remote Rendering
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  • Sustainable Media

    Green Streaming, Energy-conscious Content-Aware Encoding, Green Digital Twins for Media Workflows, Energy-efficient Media Player, Green Content Steering, Sustainable Media Consumption, Eco-sensitive Streaming Platforms, Energy-efficient Media Infrastructure
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Contact Persons

If you are interested or have questions about the FOKUS Media Web Symposium, please contact us by email. We look forward to hearing from you.


Situated in Berlin’s vibrant Charlottenburg district, the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS provides an inspiring environment, ideal for groundbreaking discussions and networking opportunities.

Fraunhofer-Institute FOKUS
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10589 Berlin


Hear from our partners and attendees: Your feedback drives us!

  • Thanks a lot for having me and the excellent organization of the event. It was a great one and many talks were very insightful and useful to me.

    Ahmed Sweden
    Ahmed Sweden, Atom, MWS 2022
  • MWS is a unique conference in our industry. It is outstanding for technical peers to meet, learn and discuss. It is organized flawlessly and in a way that engaged the audience. The speakers are also world class. I will for sure be back in 2020!

    Espen Erikstad
    Norigin Media, MWS 2019
  • I really enjoyed the event, great organization and good attendance.

    Rafael Mekuria
    United Streaming, MWS 2022
  • Highly technical and relevant conferences on streaming media are few and far between. I enjoyed my first visit to MWS at Fraunhofer Berlin. Engaging talks, exciting exhibits, and a plethora of networking opportunities with peers. I also enjoyed how it was bookended with some meetups as well. MWS is an event to add to your list if you do anything in the streaming media industry.

    Jun Heider
    RealEyes Media, CTO, MWS 2019
  • Thanks for a great event! I already look forward to next year.

    Magnus Svenson
    Eyevinn Technologie, MWS 2022
  • Yet another refreshing spring event in Berlin. Great program. compelling demos, excellent organization and inspiring social networking. Beyond this, the pre and post meetings for DASH were extraordinarily successful. Thanks to all Stefans and non-Stefans at FOKUS.

    Thomas Stockhammer
    Director Technical Standards Qualcomm and DASH-IF Interop WG CHair, MWS 2019
  • MWS provided an insightful and cohesive picture of the latest technologies and advancements in the OTT space through the experts that are defining them. Thanks again to our incredible hosts for the opportunity to join in on the event.

    Zachary Cava
    Hulu, Playback Architect, MWS 2019
  • It was awesome to attend the MWS again and to see how industry knowledge and research meet. Exciting demos, enthusiastic presentations and informative workshops – love it! Attending the MWS next year is a no brainer.

    Robin Rabe
    Future of Voice, MWS 2022
  • Media Web symposium brings together leading media industry experts, with great presentations and discussions on relevant topics, from the latest in media codecs, streaming technology, to machine learning for media applications, together with an excellent showcase of FOKUS’s own projects. This is a very worthwhile and informative event, I hope to be there again for its 10 year anniversary.

    Chris Needham
    BBC, Principal Software Engineer, MWS 2019
  • MWS delivers cutting edge topics on OTT media delivery to an attentive and focused industry audience. It is a pleasure to speak and education to listen.

    Will Law
    Chief Architect, Akamai, MWS 2019
  • Thank you for running such a great event! I was impressed by the breadth of topics and speakers. Looking forward to next year’s event!

    Metthew Scharr
    AWS Elemental, MWS 2022
  • MWS is always a great place to learn about the latest developments in media distribution tech, not just through the workshops and talks, but also because everyone is there and there is lots of room for informal conversation. That certainly includes the Media Web Night!

    Rob Koenen
    VR Industry Forum, MWS 2019
  • It was my first Symposium and I have to say that it is a world-class event: the content, the organization, the audience … simply wonderful. Many thanks for inviting us, and please visit our booth at IBC in September.

    Diego Garcia
    Sales Manager Epic Labs, MWS 2019
  • MWS is and has always been a great venue to get an insight into the latest developments in the area of media distribution.

    Imed Bouazizi
    Qualcomm, MWS 2022
  • Thank you again for hosting another amazing MWS. I had many fruitful exchanges with people during the MWS days as well as during the Media Web Night that was also splendid. The MWS keynote was particularly inspiring with historical perspective mixed in. Also, your facilities provided us another great meeting experience for a successful Second Screen F2F on Thursday and Friday.

    Anssi Kostiainen
    Intel Corporation, Web Standards Technical Lead, MWS 2019
  • The Media Web Symposium is filled with mind opening presentations, deep discussing and a whole lot of futurizing.

    Jens Kretschmann
    Bertelsmann Arvato, MWS 2022
  • As usual the MWS agenda was up-to-date with suitable topics and an impressive range of speakers. I particularly enjoyed the tutorials on deep media and artificial intelligence together with sessions on standardization, 5G and media delivery. Definitively looking forward to MWS 2020.

    Per Frojdh
    Ericsson, Director of Media Standardization, MWS 2019
  • For me this is THE event where wold leaders in video (related) technologies meet in a perfectly organized setting – it’s beyond business as usual and fosters true understanding and deep exchange of ideas. Thanks so much for keeping this up!

    Adolf Proidl
    XRoad Media, MWS 2019
  • 2019 was yet another excellent edition of MWS, confirming it to be the most technical video conference in Europe. Inspiring speakers, refreshing talks and state of the art topics – there are definitely very few occasions to get bored during this event. Definitely a great experience as a speaker, and a rewarding time investment as an attendee!

    Nicolas Weil
    AWS Elemental, Senior Product Manager, MWS 2019
    • | © Paul Hahn / Fraunhofer FOKUS
    • | © Paul Hahn / Fraunhofer FOKUS
    • | © Paul Hahn / Fraunhofer FOKUS
    • | © Paul Hahn / Fraunhofer FOKUS
    • | © Paul Hahn / Fraunhofer FOKUS
    • | © Paul Hahn / Fraunhofer FOKUS
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    Our Partners

    We proudly present our partners and sponsors of the 12th FOKUS Media Web Symposium. Thank you for the great support and cooperation. You help to make the MWS what it is.

    If you are interested in participating as a partner or sponsor, feel free to contact us. We look forward to hear from you!