11th FOKUS Media Web

June 11–12, 2024 – Fraunhofer FOKUS

Dr. Klaus Schenk

SVP Security and Threat Research


Dr. Klaus Schenk, SVP security and threat research, is responsible for the security aspects and features of Verimatrix’s product portfolio ranging from video security, cryptography and cybersecurity. Klaus enjoys turning ideas into reality and thus helping drive Verimatrix business to be at the cutting edge of technology. His journey with video content protection started over 20 years ago at BetaResearch and later Comvenient.

As the Program Manager, he was responsible for the technology and the business plan of the newly developed DVB smart-card-less conditional access system, which was subsequently acquired by Verimatrix and used worldwide with a clean security record to date. Working on this conditional access system gave Klaus an opportunity to dive deep into cryptography, secure protocols, compliance with security standards as well as the logistics of deploying security products with millions of users. Klaus holds a PhD in physics from the Technical University München (TUM).

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